Author Spotlight: D.L. Gardner

September 24, 2024 (Last Updated December 17, 2024)

48 Hour Books

Author, DL Gardner


About the Author

D.L. Gardner believes that a book should be good enough to pass from one generation to the next. The Pacific Northwest writer is a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, but Gardner is better known as an author.

Gardner is an award-winning author, artist, and screenwriter. She loves writing fantasy and has novels in many fantasy sub-genres. Gardner has won awards for her novels, screenplays, and for two film productions that were adapted from her series, Ian’s Realm.


The Sword of Cho Nisi Series

The Sword of Cho Nisi series is a whimsical mix of magic, dragons, war, and romance. This epic fantasy trilogy begins with Erika, the daughter of a legendary king in the first book, The Sword of Cho Nisi. The second book, Fall of the Kings, follows an overseas adventure amidst rocky relationships and alliances. As the countries’ leaders perish, the crucial decisions fall to Erika. The series culminates with the Curse of Mount Ream, where Erika discovers a mission that is greater than saving any man she loves.

This series can be found on D.L. Gardner’s website:


Q&A with D.L. Gardner

Join us as we uncover D.L. Gardner's writing journey and process. Together, we’ll explore her decision to self-publish and collaborate with 48 Hour Books as her printing partner.


Gardner’s Writing Process

Describe your writing process. Do you have a routine?

First, I visualize a conflict that has a theme, some kind of inherent plumbline that the characters will have to interact with. Then, I jot down notes about the characters, where they live, their weaknesses and strengths, their relationships with each other and how that conflict affects them, what they want to do about it and what they need to do about it. Then I visualize the resolve. Once that is jotted down on a notepad, I begin forming events that will get the character to the final resolution. Each of those events become chapter blurbs. I put them into a Word document, revise them as necessary (often while I’m writing). By doing this I have a map for my novel. I can adjust the word count by doing it this way too.

What do you view as the hardest thing about writing a book?

Avoiding distractions is the hardest thing about writing. Shutting the world off and staying focused on the task at hand can be the most difficult. Once I get started, I’m fine.

What is one piece of writing advice you would give to other authors?

Hone your craft and develop your skills. There are so many instruction workbooks, webinars, and workshops to learn from.

What inspires you to write?

I am inspired by the beauty of nature, the human condition, events that happen around us, personalities and how they interact.

Have you ever experienced writer’s block? If so, how long does it usually last?

I have experienced pauses in my writing, but it isn’t usually from not knowing what to write, it’s more from life gnawing at me and taking me away from the computer.

Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?

Sometimes we must take a break, and that is okay too. Often when I’m not thinking about my story it’s like a knot that loosens and unwinds, and the next scene unfolds naturally. I like it when that happens and welcome the break.


The Self-Publishing and Book Printing Process  

Why did you choose to self-publish your book?

I’m in my 70s. I’ve tried getting an agent but it’s such a long process. I have 27 novels, novellas, and short stories published. If I had waited for an agent and publisher, I’m sure I wouldn’t have half that many. Story writing is my passion and as a self-published author I can write what I want, when I like, and choose my covers and my artists. This freedom is more fitting to my personality.

As a self-published author, what was the most difficult part of the process?

Marketing is still the most difficult.

How did you conceptualize the look of your books? Can you tell us what kind of binding or cover design you used and why you made that decision?

I’m using a hardcover with 48 Hour Books because I’m doing Kickstarter campaigns with my series and most of my backers love the special edition, limited edition hardcovers.

How did 48 Hour Books support you in the self-publishing process?

They make the most beautiful books, and their customer service has been great. If I make a mistake with formatting, they let me know. The fact that they only require 10 for a print run was a plus for my first campaign because I had no idea how many I would sell. That really helped get me started.

Any advice you would like to give to aspiring writers or authors looking to self-publish? 

Unless you have a lot of money to spend, learn how to do as much of the process as possible, including formatting. Ask others what they use for software and services. Learn from those who go before you.

What is the most rewarding part of releasing a book?

The most rewarding part of releasing a book is having readers tell me how much they enjoy it.

Where can people find your books and follow you?

I have a website:


Print with 48 Hour Books

For top-notch self-publishing and book printing services, consider partnering with 48 Hour Books. Our team is well-versed in the self-publishing journey and committed to providing genuine support from real people.

Take the next step in your self-publishing and book printing venture by checking out our beginner's guide, which covers everything from formatting and book templates to a convenient price calculator.

Reach out to 48 Hour Books and start your self-publishing journey!



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