Building a stream for passive income is the goal for many creators, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs. Passive income is money you earn without much additional effort, usually from sales of products related to a business or audience you’ve already built.
At 48 Hour Books, we work with many people who have generated passive income through written materials. (Learn more in our blog post, “Blogging and Self-Publishing: 6 Ways to Generate Revenue.”)
Custom journals, planners, and workbooks are just a few of the possibilities that can create passive income for you. They are growing in popularity for many bloggers, online influencers, and business owners.
If you’re interested in building your own passive income, here are some things to consider:
· What thoughts or ideas have you presented or developed that you can put in writing?
· Are you an entrepreneur? Did you build a business? Are you someone who wants to promote your ideas as a thought leader in your industry?
· Do you have an audience that you’ve obtained via a blog, podcast, or social media platform? Would there be a specific written product you can produce that combines your ideas and style (or brand) to meet a need?
· Are you a creative person who can use your talents to develop custom written materials that would be attractive and useful?
If you’re willing to put some work upfront developing a product, you can sell that product and reap the ongoing income. That’s the power of passive income.
There are a variety of ways to make passive income using the written word and/or design talents. You don’t have to have both skills, though, to develop a journal, planner, or worksheet. In fact, with the help of editors or by working with a designer, you can take your thoughts and ideas and translate them into useful products that customers enjoy.
Let’s talk through a few possible passive income scenarios.
Creating custom planners or custom journal printing can be the perfect passive income route for many people. If you’re unsure, search for custom print journals or custom planners on Pinterest. You’ll be amazed at the options.
Journals and planners can be:
· A way to create branded materials for an audience you’ve nurtured
· A vehicle to showcase your design skills or writing talent (or both)
· Custom-designed for a business or industry
If you think this would be a good source of passive income for you, your next thought might be: How do I create my own planner or journal?
You can create custom planners or create a custom printed journal with 48 Hour Books. We give you the tools you need to bring your ideas to reality. At 48 Hour Books, we offer:
· A variety of binding options
Adding tabs to a planner or journal is very important to making it easy to use. If you are looking for an online printer for a planner or journal (or a cookbook – another idea for passive income), make sure you work with a company that can produce tabs.
48 Hour Books offers tabs that are laminated for durability and can be customized to fit your product. We print tabs in black and white and in color.
>> Learn more: How to Print Custom Planners and Bullet Journals
Do you have events where you want to help attendees actively participate? Do you want to create support materials for a giveaway? Or do you have ideas that would be best translated through a workbook format?
Creating a workbook to sell either in conjunction with an event or business or as a standalone product can be a reliable source of passive income.
A workbook needs to use the right binding style to make it easy to use, as well as the right paper selection for writing purposes. At 48 Hour Books, we can help you choose the best binding option and offer additional resources such as tabs, cover design, and proper paper selection.
We can print custom workbooks that you’ll be proud to sell. And – with 48 Hour Books and our high-quality digital printing – you have the ability to print small batches at a time, cost-effectively.
Not all printing companies offer the same quality of paper.
48 Hour Books offers a variety of paper styles. We use 60 lb. bright white as our standard paper. Some online printers offer a muddy, pulpy paper, but not 48 Hour Books.
We will help you find the right paper for your product.
If you’re looking for more information on how to print business books, how to print a planner or how to print a journal, 48 Hour Books can help. Our team has experience helping self-publishing authors develop and print materials that can create passive income.
Ready to create your own planner, journal or workbook? Use our quick price calculator for printing costs or talk to our team of printing experts.
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