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RELEASE DATE: April 25, 2016

Systematic Eschatology

By Brad Hurst. Edited by Daniel Kline. Roth Editing Brooklyn N.Y.
An amateur astronomer, researcher, and student of both Bible and Church history; Brad Hurst has spent much of the past 30 years researching some of the more difficult issues of the Bible.
From 1982-1992 Brad served as Jr. Church director for 200 5th and 6th graders, while also serving as a Pastoral intern and in other young adult ministries. From 1987-1992 he worked at a small bible college serving in plant operations and as director disaster preparation. During this same period, he led student mission groups to South America and Europe. He worked part time in Christian retail and assisted in reviewing Christian literature. In addition under the direction of the Head Chaplin, Brad volunteered as a Chaplin in Los Angeles County Jail. He led weekly Bible studies that grew into the hundreds often exceeding room capacity.
With easy access to Christian literature and an avid researcher, his research led him to conclude that not only is the Bible a self authenticating and self preserving document, it tells the reader how to approach it by giving all that we need to understand it. It does so by providing the information either internally or by telling us where to go look. Brad and his wife Monica both graduated from a liberal arts Bible college in Southern California. They were married in 1992 and in 1994 traveled to the former Soviet Union where they assisted in establishing a Bible college and church fellowship which remains to this day. In 1995, they moved to Northern California. They have seven kids and serve in their local Church fellowship. Brad has his B.A. degree in Bible and has pursued other areas of education in Philosophy, History, Administration of Justice, Fire Science, Biology, Physics, and Astronomy.
For well over 150 years, people have been writing and speculating on Bible prophecy. While many things have been written, some good and some bad, what seems to be missing in much that has been written, is a uniform system of interpretation, i.e. hermeneutic. I recall some 30 years ago a young man sitting in the café at a Bible college lamenting over this very issue. I remember his statement to this day. "There has to be some Bible based hermeneutic for understanding the book of Revelation that is easily seen in the text. " After going from system to system, he gave up and fell away from the faith altogether. He concluded that when it came to scripture nothing could be known with confident assurance. It was then that I myself began the quest that has taken 30 years, lead me down many roads, started many conversations, and taken me to many virtual libraries the world over. What has been found is stunning. Not only does the Bible give us our hermeneutic, it instructs us as to when the prophetic events will occur. The keys to Bible prophecy are found in The Mazzaroth, The Feasts of Israel, and The Bible. In-fact it is the Bible as the final authority that reveals the first two. It is my hope that through this book every one can see for themselves what the Bible has offer as it tells us how to study Bible prophecy.